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  • Collection: Etno-Sains Perubatan Melayu

Herbal adalah tumbuhan yang mempunyai nilai dari segi perobatan, khasiat makanan, perasa dan aromanya dan ia merupakan satu khazanah alami yang sangat bernilai. Dalam perobatan melayu tradisional, herbal sangat penting dalam mengobati penyakit dan…

Nor Azian Ab Rahman, Sagiran Sukardi, & Supyan Hussin. 2015. A Case Study of Modern Medical Practice and Islamic Complementary Therapy on a Patient with Over 2000 Embedded Nails. International Journal of Public Health Science (IJPHS) 4(4), 310-314…

Currently, the practice of black magic and the belief in the paranormal still widely exist in the midst of modern civilization in this region. Modern medical practice has no definitive answer for a person with an unusual medical illness who is…

This paper proposes an integrated health information systems framework for Traditional Malay Medicine (TMM) and modern medicine in the field of postnatal care.

Although for long time the existence ofbacteria inside plants tissues without causingdiseases was patented (Tervet and Hollis 1948),the attention to the benefits and potentialapplications of these bacteria is quite recent. Whilein…

Diabetes mellitus is a common disease through out the world and Malaysia is one of the victim and it is estimated to increase by 2.48 millions diabetics by 2030. Plants and plant products has played an important role in the treatment of…

Plant-based drug discovery has drawn the attention of researchers, especially the one used as traditional medicines. Centella asiatica is traditional Ayurveda medicine widely used in India and across Asia for treating a variety of diseases. T

Malay medicine is one of complementary and alternative medicines in preventing and treating many diseases. However, scientific observation on Malay medicine in treating several non-infectious diseases, including obesity and cancer has not been fully…

This survey studied the different types of Complementary Alternative Medicine (CAM) usage, the reasons of CAM usage and the out-of-pocket expenditure incurred by CAM users with Type 2 diabetes.
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