Search (284 total)

  • Query: Jakun terap
  • Query type: Keyword
  • Record types:
    • Collection
    • Exhibit
    • Exhibit Page
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    • Item
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Record Type Title
Item Haji Mohamed Ali
Item ' Authority and leadership among the Orang Hulu
Item Datuk Setia Maharaja
Item Orang jakun
Item Datuk Raja Diraja
Item Resettlement
Item ?bagai bergelang tali terap?
Item Traditional forest produce collecting activity: can it be sustained?
Item Memorandum, on the aborigines in the Jasin district of Malacca, dated 1892

Redup banjaran subur gelugur,

Terap, berangan lebatnya ara;

Hidup berjiran tegur menegur,

Akrab hubungan bagai saudara.